Dior Headquarters
Toronto, Ontario
November 2022
Revit & Enscape
Arabella Penaojas
The Christian Dior headquarters relocation is located at 26 Wellington Street East, Toronto, Ontario. The building has a total of three floors with private spaces for each staff. The exterior is inspired by Christian Dior's signature minimal style with clean lines. The brand's iconic trianon grey colour is utilized throughout the space as well.

The Dior fashion house is a timeless brand that exudes luxury and elegance. Like a trip back to 30 Avenue Montaigne in December of 1946, the headquarters uses an achromatic colour scheme complemented with hints of blue and beige. Each space features minimal yet innovative lighting that creates many layers from a bright to a subtle and relaxing atmosphere. The working spaces encourage collaboration with other workers while still providing the needs for private spaces. This design showcases Dior's ability to adapt to the trends, with sophistication.